How To Add Someone To LinkedIn Campaign Manager

LinkedIn is a platform where you can manage your professional and business network. You can add people to your network, and they will see everyone in your network. You can use some tools on LinkedIn campaign manager to help you manage campaigns more efficiently and effectively.

Adding someone from LinkedIn to Campaign Manager is a convenient way to track your email addresses. You can also use this feature to edit your existing recipient list or add contacts based on your needs.

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This post will show how to add someone to LinkedIn Campaign Manager. The process of adding someone to the campaign manager is pretty straightforward, but it may have you scratching your head a bit at first if you are not used to using it.

Who Is A LinkedIn Campaign Manager?

A LinkedIn campaign manager is a personal and professional assistant that helps you manage all your LinkedIn marketing efforts.

The LinkedIn campaign manager is a tool that allows users to create, manage and track their marketing campaigns through this online platform. 

This tool helps create targeted messages that will help customers find out more about your business or service offering while browsing various websites on the internet.

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You can also use this tool to track your audience’s behavior, like their demographics, behavior patterns, interests, etc., which helps create targeted messaging for future campaigns so that it reaches the maximum number of audience members who have expressed interest in your products or services.

LinkedIn campaigns are an excellent way for businesses to engage with their customers, build brand awareness, increase sales and boost employee engagement. 

You should consider creating a LinkedIn campaign manager as part of your marketing strategy. This tool allows you to manage all your LinkedIn campaigns from one central location.

Step By Step Procedure Of Adding Someone To LinkedIn Campaign Manager

Step 1: Log in to your LinkedIn campaign manager account and select the Campaign Manager tab from the “Home” menu.

Step 2: In the upper right-hand corner, click on the account name and choose “Manage Access” from the given dropdown menu. 

Step 3: To access the pop up menu, Click on Edit. In the upper left corner, Click “Add user”.

Step 4: Enter the LinkedIn Profile URL or the name of the user and choose the correct name from the given drop-down list. 

Step 5: Enter information about your new contact, including their name and email address. You can also update their profile picture or add additional details, such as their job title or industry type (e.g., “business owner”). 

If you want to add someone who doesn’t have an account on LinkedIn, you can still send them an invitation message by clicking “Invite to LinkedIn” next to their name in Campaign Manager.

Step 6: Select an option for how you want your new campaign manager to be accessed (your company name or not) and click Save & Continue.

You’re done!

Benefits Of Using LinkedIn Campaign Manager

1. Meet Your Marketing Objectives

The LinkedIn campaign manager is a tool that allows you to easily manage all of your campaigns, including:

  • Brand awareness: LinkedIn is a business platform that allows people to connect with people and get new leads through targeted ads; companies can target their audience by announcing campaigns on their profiles. More so, this will help them to increase their brand recognition.
  • Website visits: By running a campaign on LinkedIn, you can generate visits to your website or any other website you want to promote in the form of banner ads and sponsored links. 

It will increase the page views on your site, which in turn helps boost your ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

  • Lead generation: You can use LinkedIn ads to generate leads and sales for your business by targeting people interested in your industry or product offering. You can also use LinkedIn ads to reach out to new customers interested in a particular service or product you offer.

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  • Conversions: You can use the LinkedIn ad manager to track the numbers of leads, sales, and conversions your business gets from running a campaign on LinkedIn Ads Manager. 

More importantly, this helps you understand where you need to improve and what changes need to be made so that ultimately, you get better results from this platform than before.”

2. Create Ad Accounts

LinkedIn Campaign Manager allows you to create new ad accounts, manage existing ones and set up new campaigns. You can also create custom audiences, segment your audience and target them with different types of ads.

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This great feature helps you get a more accurate idea of who you want to reach out to based on their interests and behavior patterns. You can also monitor the performance of your campaigns by tracking conversions, clicks, and impressions.

3. Manage Your Ad Account

LinkedIn Campaign Manager is a tool that allows you to manage your ad campaigns on LinkedIn. This tool allows you to set up and manage your ads in one place. It also allows you to track the performance of each individual campaign, including clicks, impressions, and sales.

You can also set up different types of ads for different groups of users such as job seekers or professional members so that you know which ads are working best for your target audience.

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LinkedIn Campaign Manager helps you create and manage your campaigns in one place to deliver more targeted, relevant messages to the right people at the right time. With this tool, you will be able to:

  • Discover new opportunities by targeting the right profiles.
  • Build custom audiences based on existing contacts or new connections.
  • Check analytics for every campaign, including engagement rates, clicks, and conversion.

4. Manage Campaign Spend

LinkedIn Campaign Manager is a great tool for managing paid social campaigns. The platform allows you to create custom audiences, set budgets, and track performance. 

The best part is that you can create multiple campaigns on the same account, making multiple managing campaigns easy.

The other great feature of this tool is that it lets you manage your bids in real-time, so you can optimize your budget according to the results. 

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You can also see how much money you spent on each campaign, analyze it and make changes accordingly if necessary. This way, you can save money without losing out on any performance!

LinkedIn offers a variety of tools for managing paid social campaigns. They include an automation tool, a social listening tool, an optimization tool, and an analytics dashboard. There’s also a campaign manager where users can create their customized campaigns.

5. Measure Results

LinkedIn Campaign Manager is a great tool for measuring the results of your social media campaigns. The free version allows you to set up three campaigns and track performance in real-time.

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You can measure your campaign’s performance in a variety of ways. Manage your campaigns from the dashboard, and see how many users signed up and the conversion rates for each campaign.

You will see the number of followers for each campaign, which is great for seeing how your content performs. If you are running a social media campaign, you can also export data to make reports easy to share with clients or other stakeholders.

How To Set Up Your First Campaign On LinkedIn

There are two main types of LinkedIn campaigns:

  • Promoted posts: Promoted posts are what they sound like — posts that are targeted at people who are likely to get interested in what you are offering. You can use these targeted ads to drive traffic to your website, blog, or other content.
  • Insightful posts: Insightful posts are similar to promoted posts, but they are written specifically for a particular audience instead of being posted on behalf of a business.

For example, if you are an employee at a healthcare company, you might decide to create an insightful post about being an employee in healthcare. 

That could include tips for getting along with coworkers or suggestions for learning new skills to help you advance within the company.

You can use the following tips to set up your first campaign on LinkedIn:

1. Choose Your Objective

Before you can set up a campaign, you need to decide what you want to achieve. A good starting point is to choose a single objective that will drive your social media marketing strategy.

For example, if your goal is to increase your brand awareness and generate leads, you could consider setting up a campaign focused on top-of-mind awareness (TONA) and creating content.

Or, if you have a specific goal in mind, like driving more sales or signing up new customers, create a campaign using a specific objective (e.g., lead generation).

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Once you have decided on a campaign, the next step is choosing which objects to use for your promotion campaign. There are two types of objectives:

  • Promote: You can set up a specific promotion objective for promoting a product or service. For example, if you sell software, this would be the objective of your campaign.
  • Product Promotion: You can also choose to use a product promotion objective when promoting products created by other people or companies. This type of objective is similar to promoting an event where people can come together and share ideas with others who are interested in the same things they are.

2. Name Your Campaign

Your name is the first thing people will see when they visit your campaign, so it must be something memorable and relevant.

If you have a personal brand or business presence already established on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., then use those names for your campaigns instead of creating new ones from scratch, especially if those other accounts already have good numbers of followers.

You may also want to include some keywords in the name of your campaign so that it can be more targeted toward specific groups of people interested in similar topics or industries like “Marketing tips for B2B companies”.

3. Set Up Your Review Template

Every review you post will need to be in the same format, so you must set up your template before you begin to write reviews.

Here’s how to do it:

Open your Review Template in Word or another word processor and add the following elements:

  • Company name: Use this space to include information about your company, including what industry you’re in and how long you’ve been operating.
  • Title: This is a short line identifying the type of post you are adding. For example, if it is a recommendation for an open position at your company, use “HR Manager” or something similar. You can include links or images here, too — just ensure they are relevant to the post and don’t distract from the message.
  • Body: This is where you’ll write your review! Make sure you keep it brief and concise but also ensure that people reading your review understand what it is about before they click through.

4. Add Images And Videos

If you have an image or video that shows your product or service in action, add it to your campaign. 

Adding images to your LinkedIn campaign can help you connect with potential customers more personally. If you are running a social media contest, adding images can differentiate between winning and losing.

In addition, adding images and videos to your LinkedIn campaign can boost click-through rates (CTR) and engagement by giving your message more meaning.

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You can also add images and videos from your Instagram account if they illustrate the product or service you are marketing. If you have a video demonstrating how to use the product or service, make sure to include it in your campaign.

5. Choose The Right Audience

Another step in setting up your first LinkedIn campaign is choosing the right audience. The right audience is crucial because it will determine how much you can charge for your advertising and what kind of traffic you can expect to generate.

If you are not selling something, then don’t advertise on LinkedIn. You’ll get no response, and your ads will be wasted money. It can be a bit tricky if you are new to LinkedIn, but there are a few things that will help:

  • Look at the people already in your target audience and see what they have written about or shared on LinkedIn.
  • Check out the groups related to your industry or niche. You may find some good ideas for what to write about and share.
  • Use the search function and type keywords related to your industry or niche to find other people who have written about similar topics (and perhaps share their content).

6. Choose Your Ad Format

When setting up a campaign on LinkedIn, choose the type of ad format that best suits your needs. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • The Business Page Post (BPP) is similar to a standard LinkedIn ad, but with one important difference: it’s a business page post, not an advertisement. Even so, this means that it will appear on your company’s main page, making it easier for people to find you and engage with your content.
  • The Standard LinkedIn Ad is similar to a regular Google AdWords or Facebook Ads. You can run this ad for 30 days at a time, and you’ll see results immediately if people click or view the ad. You can choose between two formats: text only or text plus image/video.
  • The Call To Action (CTA) is a unique tool that allows you to easily create calls-to-action throughout your profile and social media accounts (LinkedIn included). For example, you could use a CTA button on your business page or in an email newsletter message.

7. Set Your Budget And Schedule

It is the most important part because it will determine how much money you can spend on ads and how long your ads are shown. The best way to do this is by creating a budget in AdWords or a budget in LinkedIn Ads. 

Once you have a budget, choose how many days per week you want your ad to be active known as the “rotation”. You can also choose how many impressions you want your ad to be shown per day. 

If you create a campaign manually, simply enter basic information about your target audience and when they are most active on LinkedIn.

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Next, you will enter how much money you want to spend per day for the campaign — this should be based on how many groups or groups of people you plan on targeting with the ad. 

It is important to remember that distribution doesn’t cost anything extra; it’s just part of what’s included in your daily budget for the campaign.

The next box is where you enter your budget for how much money you want to spend each day for this particular campaign (or any campaigns for that matter). If you run multiple campaigns at once, each one should have its budget. 

8. Launch And Optimize

When you set up your first campaign on LinkedIn, it’s important to remember that campaigns are not forever. You can change your ad settings at any time, and you can also cancel a campaign before it runs.

Before setting up your first campaign, it’s also important to know how long it will take for your ad to appear in the news feed for everyone on LinkedIn. That is known as the “ad spend” or “target audience reaches.” The maximum amount of time that an ad can appear is 24 hours.

You can start your first campaign by clicking the “Start a Campaign” button. If you want to test how your campaign will look, you can use the “Preview Your Campaign” link and see how it looks on your dashboard.

If you want to test out whether or not you will get any responses from people interested in working with you, click “Find People Who Might Be Interested In Your Campaign.”

After launching your campaign, add some content for your invitee to read. It could be as simple as adding an article written about yourself or as complicated as creating a video of yourself explaining what you do and why someone should hire you.

In Conclusion 

LinkedIn is an excellent way for a business to reach outside its internal network. When considering the options for adding new employees to your campaign, you will likely want to choose someone who is social-media savvy. 

If you have added connections to the LinkedIn database, make sure that you have access to the database before adding them as a contact on LinkedIn. 

Use this guide to add someone to LinkedIn Campaign Manager. Using LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager is a great way to improve the success of your marketing efforts by targeting specific audiences, optimizing for conversions, and tracking the efficiency of your campaigns.

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